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Para Tony !!!

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Para Tony !!! Empty Re: Para Tony !!!

Mensaje por Tony "babyface" Montana Lun Jul 23, 2012 10:07 pm

Bullbear escribió:


Consumer Banking Strategy
Generation of business plans and positioning of retail banking through the development of new businesses and products, strategies for the different segments, variable compensation schemes for all channels and process innovations.

Value Proposition and Market Research
Generation of the value proposition for the consumer banking by market, understanding proposed needs and objectives. Development and implementation of market research in line with strategic needs designed.

Digital Channels
Management and re-designing of the bank’s digital channels (Internet, Mobiles, Social Networks, etc.) through a distribution channel strategy. The First Bank in Social Networking in Argentina .

Business Agreements & Strategic Alliances
Negotiation, coordination and implementation of all business agreements and strategic alliances for the consumer banking and new purchasing channels.

Development of the signle customer view, strategies for the different segments by client, development of campaigns for the current activation portfolio, loyalty, building of business platforms for analytical support to all commercial channels, customer acquisition campaigns and development of predictive models.

Re-launching of the sale of asset products. Product sales maximization and market share recovery. Development of commercial campaigns.

Development of the signle customer view, strategies for the different countries (LATAM), development of campaigns for the current activation portfolio, loyalty, attrition, building of business platforms for analytical support to all commercial channels, customer acquisition campaigns and development of predictive models.

Provision of support to the account officers by developing, promoting and maintaining coverage and acceptance of all segment products. Designing of advertising spots. Financial control of segment.
gracias torito!!
mentis igual que yo loco.. aim higher!!
con esto tengo mas o menos 30 minutos de charla, si llego a la interview, ese puesto es mio

Tony "babyface" Montana

Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 05/08/2011

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Para Tony !!! Empty Para Tony !!!

Mensaje por Bullbear Lun Jul 23, 2012 8:29 pm


Consumer Banking Strategy
Generation of business plans and positioning of retail banking through the development of new businesses and products, strategies for the different segments, variable compensation schemes for all channels and process innovations.

Value Proposition and Market Research
Generation of the value proposition for the consumer banking by market, understanding proposed needs and objectives. Development and implementation of market research in line with strategic needs designed.

Digital Channels
Management and re-designing of the bank’s digital channels (Internet, Mobiles, Social Networks, etc.) through a distribution channel strategy. The First Bank in Social Networking in Argentina .

Business Agreements & Strategic Alliances
Negotiation, coordination and implementation of all business agreements and strategic alliances for the consumer banking and new purchasing channels.

Development of the signle customer view, strategies for the different segments by client, development of campaigns for the current activation portfolio, loyalty, building of business platforms for analytical support to all commercial channels, customer acquisition campaigns and development of predictive models.

Re-launching of the sale of asset products. Product sales maximization and market share recovery. Development of commercial campaigns.

Development of the signle customer view, strategies for the different countries (LATAM), development of campaigns for the current activation portfolio, loyalty, attrition, building of business platforms for analytical support to all commercial channels, customer acquisition campaigns and development of predictive models.

Provision of support to the account officers by developing, promoting and maintaining coverage and acceptance of all segment products. Designing of advertising spots. Financial control of segment.


Mensajes : 16
Fecha de inscripción : 08/05/2011

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